Learn About The Job Of An Interior Designer

People who aren't familiar with the industry tend to confuse an interior designer with an interior decorator. However, there are major differences between the two, but there are also some similarities. The similarities are that they both help to create a look in a room. However, the interior decorator deals with decorating by pulling together a specific look the client wants through things like the use of furniture and artwork. However, an interior designer is the one who created the bones of the space. The interior designer is the one who helped to create the layout of the space, deciding where permanent items were placed, so the desired look, functionality, and feel is achieved. In order to get a better idea of that a townhouse interior designer does, continue on with this article.

When does the interior designer come in during a project?

The interior designer can help a builder when it comes to determining where things like plumbing and lighting should go. This way, the builder knows how to create the plans in a way that's going to result in a great looking living space. Also, an interior designer can work with a homeowner when it comes to making improvements in the home they already live in. The designer won't be the one who helps the client pick out the right area rugs, but the interior designer might be the one who helps the client to determine removing a small wall will give the client more room and a more aesthetically pleasing living space. Them the decorator can come in and help the client to decorate the space.

Are some interior designers also interior decorators?

There is a great deal of interior designers who also take on the dual job of also being an interior decorator. The benefit of this is the interior designer can help a client to determine the best ways to improve their current home, then they can also help to follow through by ensuring that the décor of the home has the look, feel, and flow that the clients were looking for.


If you own a townhome, then you may be working with some limited floor space. In interior designer will be a great person for you to work with, because they will know how to change things up in a way that helps transform the townhome into one with more functional space and gives the townhome other features that you will appreciate.
